Our group was honoured to be invited to share some of our ideas and thinking at this year's BCAMT Fall Conference. We appreciate the support we have received from the BCAMT over the years and are happy to continue to collaborate with this BCTF Provincial Specialist Association. Our session is called Reggio-Inspired Mathematics: Connections, Collaboration and Community and being true to the principles and practices of The Reggio Emilia Approach, is a collaborative session with ten teachers in our project. Some sections include dialogue and reflection while others share ideas from the classroom and home and school connections. We have tried to be mindful of our current context and consider new health and safety protocols with the ideas we share. This pre-recorded session will be airing at 9:30am and there will be four teachers from our project available in the Chat box to answer questions, etc.
Social media contact information for the teachers that shared during the session is in the image below.
Here is a slide sampler from the presentation:
Download BCRIM_BCAMT_Conference_2020_slidesampler
Update: Thank you to the over 200 teachers who joined our session and a special thank you to Michelle, Lauren, Annie and Alana who monitored the chat and stayed after the session to chat with attendees. We do apologize that some attendees had audio issues. We are providing a link to the recording below, and it will only be available for a limited time. The link will be taken down on October 30. Please adjust the volume on your device, try a different device or check your network connection if you are having audio issues.
Recording of BC Reggio-Inspired Mathematics session at the BCAMT Fall Conference (link still available)
(resin numbers from Tansy and Bee)
Here are some ideas that 2020 has helped us to think about:
What does it mean to feel safe?
What does it mean to belong?
How does working together as a community help everyone?
How do we nurture home and school relationships?
How can mathematics be experienced in different contexts? at home? outdoors?
How can technology help foster connection, collaboration and communication?
Take care,