Educators from across six districts gathered on Zoom after school on November 9 to re-connect and share a little around how each district planned to take up this professional inquiry project this year.
Some districts are looking at revitalizing this project in their districts while others have a specific inquiry question developed related to our overall focus on story and math. Examples include investigating math and story in everyday experiences, storytelling on the land inspiring emergent experiences in mathematics, the use of data to tell a story of place or community and connecting math, materials and the outdoors.
We discussed and shared ideas about some big ideas related to connecting story and math.
We brainstormed different ways to connect and think together through this professional inquiry project and used to collect "votes" from those attending. The following is how the group thought we should concentrate our group's efforts this year:
So look forward to some upcoming events and projects! Information will be posted on this site or you could contact your district contact for this project.
Slides from our meeting can be viewed here: