Educators from several districts came together after school on February 9 via Zoom to check-in and share some ideas about this year's focus area: storytelling and math. We shared our new monthly twitter post idea which is to provide a prompt to spark spatial reasoning. Follow our hashtag on Twitter #BCreggiomath to find the prompt at th beginning of each month.
We also shared our new monthly newsletter which you can subscribe to here on this blog (see the box on the right) and will be sent to you via email mid-month.
We discussed this year's focus question: How does story help student make meaning of mathematics? and connected this question to ideas of perspective, identity, language, place and culture. We shared our thinking around how all these ideas contribute to the Story of Math...and how representation matters in how we share the story of math with our students.
Drawing upon the words of author Amy Alznauer, how might childhood biographies of mathematicians help contribute to students' mathematical identity and understanding of who does math and what counts as math?
Ideas for a Story of Math project percolated and were shared - more to come on this, but here is what what some of our group shared during their breakout small group meetings today.
We are looking forward to compiling and sharing our ideas around storytelling and math this spring.
Take care,