District teams came together at Grauer Elementary in Richmond on May 9 2018 to share and celebrate their district's project work for the school year. We focused on district projects, spatial reasoning connections, new math resources to support our project, inspiration from study tours and visioning.
The Studio at Grauer was open for educators to visit and have a look at some new materials and projects the students were engaged with.
A curriculum coordinator was visiting from the Yukon and joined us for the evening and it is always interesting to hear perspectives on our project from those not in the middle of it! We talked a lot about building a community across distances - something relevant to the Yukon context.
We took some time to hear from those that attended the BC Study Tour to Opal School in Portland as well as the Canadian Study Tour to Reggio Emilia to share their connections from those experiences to our project.
Each district team set up a display to celebrate how our project was enacted in their districts this past year. It is always so inspiring to see what other groups of teachers are doing, connecting our project, the BC mathematics curriculum and their context.
After dinner together, we spent some time in cross-district groups to do some visioning for our project, particularly how to make our professional work more visible and then we talked within district teams to create action plans for district projects.
Thank you to everyone for their contributions to this evening and to our project!