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How funny! I am Pinning this for sure to my Party Ideas board on Pinterest.

My sister is a "Nerd for Angry Birds". Or so her t-shirts says. She'd love these. Thanks for sharing.

Enjoy your weekend!

LaVonne @ Long Wait For Isabella


So cool. My Hubs would love these - I'm going to keep them in mind for his birthday in November!


Genius!!!! Honestly amazing.......I might even be tempted to make cake pops again!


These are so, so cute!!
I'm visiting from TT&J.. Have a great week!!

Angry Birds Fan

Awesome Idea! I can see my little ones loving these as an addition to an entire Angry Birds themed party!

Alivia's Corner Kitchen

Awesome Idea!

Now my son would just love these cake pops. He plays sooooo much Angry Birds.


im looking for the jujubes you used for the angry eyebrows, what does it look like before you cut it into the angry eyebrows


Hi Linda-
I just used regular jujubes. Where I live, they were the Dare brand but that might be Canadian. Black gumdrops, black licorice or winegums would work too. I just sliced them into thin slices with a slightly wet knife (so it wouldn't get so sticky) and then used kitchen scissors to cut each slice into a V-shape. Hope that helps!


Thank you! helps a bunch.

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